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Ram Blow Out Preventer | Pipe Ram BOP | HRSB
Rongsheng Ram Blowout Preventer Overview
A Ram Blowout Preventer (BOP) is a crucial safety device in drilling operations, designed to prevent blowouts and maintain control over well pressure. This device features two steel plungers known as rams that operate in opposition to each other, effectively sealing the borehole when necessary.
If you're interested in specific models and details about the Ram BOP, check the 21 1/4" Ram BOP | HBRS.
The Ram BOP consists of two halves that function as covers for the borehole. These halves are drawn together by a large-diameter hydraulic cylinder, which is usually retracted. The principal benefit is its ability to create a tight seal in the borehole using robust steel components complemented by elastomeric seals, enhancing reliability.
Different configurations of ram blocks offer the flexibility to seal various applications. For instance, flat designs seal open boreholes, while others have circular cut-outs that correspond to the pipe diameter, sealing the well while the pipe remains in position. Regardless of the design, the versatility of pipe plungers to seal a limited range of diameters is noteworthy. Rams are capable of either extending towards the wellbore or retracting depending on whether fluid flow should be restricted or allowed.
Types of Rams in a Ram BOP
The Ram BOP can include various types of rams to maximize performance, including:
Pipe Rams
Pipe rams close the annular space between the wellbore and the pipe, sealing around the tubular's outer diameter while allowing fluid flow through the drill pipe.
Shear Rams
Shear rams enable the BOP to cut through tubing in the wellbore while sealing the bore. These rams serve as the last resort for pressure control when other methods fail.
Blind Rams
Blind rams interrupt openings for tubing when there’s no production. The Dual Shear Blind Ram (DS) can cut through multiple tubing strings, functioning even in complex orientations.
Blind Shear Rams
Also called sealing shear rams, these devices cut the tubing upon BOP closure and act as a last measure for pressure regulation.
Rongsheng manufactures high-quality ram blowout preventers suitable for varied applications, providing effective pressure control in drilling operations. With competitive pricing and robust designs, Rongsheng is a well-regarded supplier in the industry. For more on our offerings, check out our Ram Blowout Preventer | RONGSHENG.
Contact us today for your Ram BOP needs to ensure safety and efficiency in your drilling operations.
To further understand the distinctions between various ram types, you may also visit our information page on Blind Ram BOP | RONGSHENG.
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