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10 Things to Consider When Buying Bamboo Comb Supplier
How to identify top-quality and resistant wooden combs
How to choose a comb
To choose a comb for hair or beard, the first thing to decide is material. For this purpose, I listed and summarized some key factors to consider for major materials of combs mostly available to comb users.
Plastic Combs:
1. Lower prices, usually a few dollars each;
2. Soft and elastic, these combs usually will not break from dropping or small bending;
3. Plastic material could be a source of hair static;
4. Plastic combs may change color and will become hardened over time;
5. Users rarely build strong bond with plastic item they use.
Metal Combs:
1. Metal combs are durable, most users will feel their stiffness on scalp or holding on hand;
2. Metal could be a source of hair static;
3. Metal combs may become rusty over time.
The above two materials are most common comb material for most comb users.
The following are major materials used by CombHub combs:Peachwood Combs:
1. Peachwood is a readily available hardwood , light weight light colors;
2. Peachwood combs are least expensive wooden combs;
3. Compared with other hardwood, peachwood combs is a bit easier to break from dropping or force of sudden bend;
4. peachwood combs will make an excellent basic wooden comb for light duty combing need, use it with care it should also last many years.
Boxwood Combs:
1. Boxwood is a solid and strong hard wood, light colors and light weight;
2. Boxwood has dense wood texture so smooth finish can be achieved.
1. Rosewood combs comes with pretty colors and wood grains.
2. Rosewood is still considered a light weight wood compared to sandalwood, but a bit firmer than peachwood.
Green Sandalwood;
1. Green sandalwood are one of the major materials seen throughout CombHub's comb and hair stick hair fork product lineup;
2. Green sandalwood usually comes with some natural green sandalwood scent, this scent should last many years(fading out slowly);
3. Weighted feel when holding a green sandalwood comb;
4. It has dense wood texture so high gloss finish can be achieved from super fine sanding;
5. Green sandalwood will change colors, from brown to greenish brown, after contacting with light and moisture;
6. Some users may not like the green sandalwood scent.
Brown Sandalwood Combs:
1. Brown sandalwood combs usually come with very pretty wood colors and wood grain;
2. Weighted feel at hand, dense wood texture so high gloss finish can be achieved;
3. Stay in shape and form well so they can last many years if handled with normal care.
Red Sandalwood Combs:
1. Medium weight solid hardwood;
2. Stay in shape and form well so they can last many years if handled with normal care.
Purple Sandalwood Combs:
1. It is also called a purpleheart comb;
2. Medium weight solid hardwood;
3. Stay in shape and form well so they can last many years if handled with normal care.
Black Sandalwood Combs:
1. Also called ebony combs;
2. One of the best and precious hardwood, most common seen in sculpture and chess pieces;
3. Black sandalwood has weighted feel, very dense in texture so high gloss finish can be achieved;
4. Stay in shape and form well so they can last many years if handled with normal care.
Buffalo Horn Combs:
1. Weighted feel, dense in texture so high gloss finish can be achieved;
2. Black in colors, usually comes with some kind of natural marks;
3. May change shape and form after contacting with moisture or heat;
4. Keep it dry and away from heat and this material will last a long time.
Other Horn/Bone Material:
1. Softer in texture and lighter in colors;
2. May change shape and form after contacting with moisture or heat.
Besides about materials, you will also see some combs made from buffalo horn and wood.
To choose a comb for hair or beard, the second thing to decide is comb teeth tine. For this purpose, here are the comb teeth tines as defined by CombHub and their suggested usage.
Fine Teeth Combs: Teeth Spaces < 1 mm
Fine teeth combs are combs with teeth spaces less than 1 mm. They work best for average men's hair or for those fine and straight hair less than 12 inches in length.
Medium Teeth Combs: Teeth Spaces 1 mm - 2.5 MM
Medium teeth combs are most common combs throughout CombHub's wide selection of comb lineup. Medium teeth combs should meet most hairs' or beards' combing need, let them be long , thick, curly and dry hair or beard.
Wide teeth Combs: Teeth Spaces > 2.5 mm(1/8 inch)
Besides a personal preference, wide teeth comb work best as a detangling comb.
Mixed Teeth Combs:
These are combs with two different teeth spaces so to meet combing need for different hair or different comb purpose.
To choose a comb for hair or beard, the third thing(most important factor) to consider is hair type.
average men's hair, those hair or beard shorter than 5 inches, all kind
of materials and comb teeth styles should work well. If your hair or
beard is less than 5 inches, any fine teeth, medium teeth wooden combs
or horn combs should serve you well. If you just need a replacement comb
for your plastic comb, a peachwood comb should work well, with all the
benefits come with a wooden comb. A sandalwood comb will sure last
longer if you are ready to spend a few additional dollars. Also, a
pocket comb(usually less than 5" in length) should also meet all your
combing need for your hair or beard plus giving you the convenience of
on the go.
For hair or beard under 12 inches, a comb over 5 inches
or a comb with handle should meet the combing need well. For users with
this category of hair or beard, fine teeth combs and medium teeth combs
should handle all your combing need nicely.
For long, curly, thick or
dry hair or beard, combs with wider teeth spaces will be your best
choice. You can find plenty of selection from medium teeth or
wide teeth combs(click on Comb Category or enter "medium teeth" to
search within CombHub site will return all available choices). Also, a
wide teeth comb should work well because of its detangling ability.
To choose a comb for hair or beard, last but not least thing to consider is users' preference. About all, it is a matter of personal preference in choosing a comb, in comb materials, comb teeth and comb shapes.
If you are looking for more details, kindly visit Bamboo Comb Supplier.
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