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What material is XPE?
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What does XPE stand for in XPE foam?
The ‘X’ in XPE foam is to show that XPE foam is a cross-linked foam, which means the polymers, or chains of molecular units of the foam material, bond together by crossing in a repeating pattern. The repeating, cross-linked pattern in foam materials like XPE, gives it various properties, including the ability to bear heavy loads and return to its original form, and to stretch without excessive degradation.
The PE in XPE foam stands for Polyethylene, and represents the low-density polyethylene resin used as the raw material in the production of XPE foam, whether in roll form or block form.
What are the main properties of XPE foam?
XPE foam or cross-linked polyethylene foam is equipped with a range of standout properties, making it ideal for use in industries, including automotive, refrigeration, packaging, shoe manufacturing, and more. The properties of XPE foam include:
Cushioning — This cushioning property of XPE foam allows it to absorb and reduce the effects of impact, making it an ideal packaging solution for sports shoe components or medical foam, etc.
Sound absorption — The phenomenal sound absorption property of XPE foam makes it one of the most widely used foam types for the reduction of noise in various automotive components.
Heat insulation — Another key property of XPE foam is its ability to insulate against heat, another reason it’s often used in industries including automotive and packaging.
Water-resistance — XPE foam is exceptionally resistant to water and moisture exposure, making it highly adaptable to pipe insulation, expansion joints, and for refrigeration components.
Formability — XPE foam is extremely easy to cut and shape using various machining methods, making it one of the best solutions for the manufacture of intricate packaging.
Odourless — Because XPE foam is odourless and non-toxic, its uses range from sports and yoga matting, to foam handles, and food packaging.
Is XPE foam flame retardant?
Yes. XPE foam has an extremely high fire rating and satisfies the UL94 test - a flammability test under laboratory conditions for plastic/foam materials, to measure the ability of the plastic/foam to extinguish the flame and stop dripping behavior after ignition from radiant heat or a small flame.
The fire retardancy of XPE foam makes the material ideal for use in components that are likely to reach high temperatures, such as high-powered motors in various machines used in construction or the automotive industry.
What is the difference between XPE foam and IXPE foam?
The key difference between XPE and IXPE foam is in the cross-linking process during manufacturing. XPE foam is cross-linked with the addition of a cross-linking agent, whereas IXPE foam is cross-linked by an electron accelerator.
The Ultimate Guide to XPE Mats
Not all mats are created equal. XPE polyethylene foam mats have unique qualities that set them apart from other major foam mats like EVA, EPE, and rubber. Durable, resilient, and shock-absorbing, XPE mats are quickly becoming the gold standard in athletic training. Through the use of a technologically advanced manufacturing process, XPE mats are soft but also resistant to the wear-and-tear of life. Boasting a unique ability to prevent moisture absorption and being antimicrobial, these mats will quickly become the favorite, go-to mat in your gym.
What Are XPE Mats?
In order to truly appreciate the quality and craftsmanship that goes into XPE foam, you need to delve into the unique manufacturing process involved. XPE is a cross-linked polyethylene foam which is ideal for projects that require thick foam. Through a chemically unique process, a mutual cross-linking occurs between polyethylene particles, creating a netlike structure. As a result, once cured, the walls of the material form an embedded cellular structure. Strong, dense, and durable, XPE is a collection of fine-celled particles that have superior physical and chemical properties.
Possessing unique thermal and insulating properties, XPE foam is used in the automotive industry in processes where friction creates high heat. Some of the best uses of XPE foam are for expansion joints and industrial gaskets.
Another added benefit of polyethylene foam is that it has strong rigidity. When an athlete steps on the mat, the mat will spring back to its original shape almost instantly. This allows for great shock absorption for athletes who land on the mat.
Because of the manufacturing process, XPE foam has a soft outer shell which is resistant to moisture. XPE mats have low moisture permeability. This means that XPE mats possess antimicrobial qualities which make them extremely useful to use in athletic training, where sweat may come into contact with the mat.
What Are EVA Mats?
EVA stands for ethylene-vinyl acetate and is an extremely versatile and durable substance. Also a closed-cell foam, EVA is water-resistant. EVA is a flexible plastic, which is used in anything from toys to puzzle-piece flooring.
EVA plastic is converted to foam through either injection or compression moulding processes. In either process, bubbles and high heat are introduced into the mix, and this creates a unique closed-cell structure, which is actually quite similar to XPE. This unique process creates an easily mouldable material which is resistant to UVA radiation. A highly durable material with a rubber-like flexibility, EVA is a step up from any open-celled foam because it is firmer and allows for greater shock absorption.
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EVA can also be easily cleaned and disinfected, and this allows it to be used in gyms and dance studios. Its ubiquity is because of its effectiveness and durability, and is commonly referred to as "foam rubber" even though it doesn't contain any rubber.
EPE Mats
Another major type of athletic mats are EPE mats. EPE foam is created when low-density polyethylene is injected with butane gas, creating a non-cross-linked, closed-cell structure comprising many bubbles. EPE is the cheapest foam material and is used for packing and shipping purposes, and also flooring underlayment.
One major advantage of EPE is that it is extremely lightweight, making it easier to transport. Since its first manufacturing in the 1970s, EPE foam has quickly replaced polystyrene in impact absorption applications.
Lacking the same elasticity of EVA and the shock absorption qualities of XPE, EPE is the least durable material available on the market for athletic mats. To put things into perspective, EVA is almost five times more durable than EPE.
Rubber Mats
On the other end of the spectrum, rubber mats are the most dense athletic mats that can be purchased. Rubber mats are made from recycled tyres which have been chopped up, melted, and spread out to form a mat. Although incredible in impact resistance, rubber mats are not the softest mats to land on, and lose out to XPE, EVA, and EPE in shock absorption qualities.
What’s the difference between XPE and EVA?
The major difference between XPE and EVA mats is the manufacturing process used to create the mats. EVA is created through the use of an industrial chemical called formamide, which gives an acrid odor to the product. Although in liquid form formamide is toxic, during the manufacturing process formamide evaporates, and the small amount that is left slowly evaporates over time. Many government agencies have done studies on formamide and found it to be harmless in the levels that are found in EVA mats. The government of Canada conducted a scientific screening to determine if there were any ill effects and found "that formamide is not harmful to human health at current levels of exposure" [1]. Although EVA mats are not hazardous to your health, they're produced in a much less environmentally friendly way than XPE.
As a result of the manufacturing process, EVA mats off-gas formamide which has a unique ammonia-like smell [2]. This smell usually lingers in new EVA mats for several weeks. What sets XPE mats apart from EVA is that XPE mats are odourless, which makes a substantial difference when you regularly use the mats.
EVA foam mats have some benefits that outmatch XPE mats. For example, EVA foam has a fine outer skin which is much softer than XPE. EVA mats are also more popular than XPE because it’s much more economical to make them. The primary reason for EVA's popularity is that it can reach 50mm in thickness without lamination, making EVA ideal in die cutting manufacturing.
Alternatively, XPE mats are produced through a continuous foaming process, which allows for the length to be much longer than EVA. This means that longer sections of XPE can be created than EVA.
XPE mats result from an innovative new manufacturing process which creates thick, durable, antibacterial athletic mats. Unlike EVA mats that have a unique smell, XPE mats are free from odors. However, EVA mats can be perfectly useful when used in 20mm or 40mm thick puzzle tiles, providing an entire space with coverage. However, the most important difference is that XPE mats are formed in a continuous foam roll of tight, cross-linked closed cells. This translates directly to you in a quality product over several metres of mat. Ultimately, the type of mat that fits your space depends entirely on what you’ll do on it, but XPE offers the best quality for the price.
- canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/chemical-substances/challenge/batch-5/formamide.html
2.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Formamide. Formamide is derived from ammonia and formic acid and has an ammonia-like smell. From all the research, it seems that ammonia is on the peripherals of the manufacturing process of EVA mats, but lends its unique smell the product.
Author: Dave Van Kooten
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