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How to Save Money When Buying mma 500 welding machine
Low Cost MIG Welder
I am in the market for a low cost MIG Welder. I have a couple of projects looming where a welder would be needed. First is an exhaust manifold replacement on my F150. It is very likely that some of the bolts are going to break and I understand the easiest way to get them out is by welding a nut to the remnant to extract it. Second is repairing a wrecked Civic that will involve plug welding the core support. Finally, the aforementioned F150 has some rusty rockers and rust on the bed sides. I will be welding patch panels in to replace the rusted areas.
I am looking at a couple of different possibilities. First, the Eastwood MiG 90. It is 110v and can do both flux core as well as true MiG. It is currently $199. The second option is on Amazon. It is the Hynade MTG155D (FS). It is dual voltage, capable of both flux core and true MiG as well as stick and TiG. It also is $199.
I feel more confident in the quality of the welder from Eastwood. I like the dual voltage and flexibility of the Hynade.
Feedback/thoughts are appreciated.
FWIW - I would love to go out and buy a Lincoln or Miller MiG Welder. Sorry, but that just isnt in the budget. Once the 3 projects I have lined up are done, I dont know how much I will use a welder. Spending several hundreds or more than a thousand dollars just isnt going to happen.
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Further reading:How Does laser trimmed resistor Work?
Budget Stick welder
FixToolz said:FixToolz, Click to expand...
Handy as how? Welding to create benches or pipe? Welding sheet metal on vehicles or what are you looking into?
A cheap welder on Amazon will last for 1 month to about 2 years. Go enough to learn, but the money will be gone.
An old welder can be found for $0 (free) to $400+, get your the word out your looking. This is an investment, you can sell it for what you pay if you shop smart. (AC/DC units are 2-3x of AC units, but worth the upgrade if you can afford it)
Where you should spend your money? First is on your safety.
1. Hood: Don't get an auto darkling hood. Cheap ones suck and you can find an old school heavy hoods for near free. Buy new glass and a couple shades like 11, 12 & 13. Yes the old ones are heavy and suck, yet someone people used them for years. ($10-30)
2. Gloves: Start of with a thick heavy ones for stick welding, HF sells some. Now slowly move up to Tig gloves and they will teach you if you've your hands too close. ($12 & then $20)
3. Welding cover: You want a welding jacket or cover to protect yourself. Old thick jackets can be found at the thrift store that would work. Or search Amazon and look for warehouse deals on welding jackets. ($10-50)
4. Other cover: Don't weld in sandals and shorts. If it's too hot to wear cover then don't weld.
5. Other people: Make sure you are not flashing people with your welding. You can makes simple blocks with carboard and a basic frame.
6. Consumables: Yeah, your welding rod is going to cost money. Make sure to shop around. ($10-$100)
6a. You need a few small tools: A welding hammer to hit the slag, a HD file to knock slag and file, and last a heavy duty wire brush. ($5-$40)
Where you should spend your time:
1. Looking for deals on a welder. Don't rush it, find a deal post it here without the link. Reply to anything close to your budget and ask if they have room to move for someone just learning. (I have sold a used welder at 50% of value to a kid learning to weld, gave him a hood, gloves and small stuff.)
2. Look for deals on steel. You'll need material to practice welding. Find your local steel suppler and ask for their drops sections, or if they have a garage bin you could take a few piece from to practice.
3. You need a cart for your welder. Look at that, with the deal on steel you can make your own!
4. You need a welding cart. Ok, you've learned from building a cart to hold your welder. Now you need a cart to hold what you are welding... This is where your deal on steel could influence the final cost. You don't need much, just sturdy.
5. You need to practice more... Ask your Dad for help, ask around to find Neighbors who weld, post your pics for feedback, and watch videos on welding.
A lot more learning and improvement will come over time and improvement will be self evident as you advance your skill.
FYI, if you are young enough this can be a skill you turn into a career that makes a good living.
If no interest, it can be a skill that contributes to life long hobbies.
FixToolz,Handy as how? Welding to create benches or pipe? Welding sheet metal on vehicles or what are you looking into?A cheap welder on Amazon will last for 1 month to about 2 years. Go enough to learn, but the money will be gone.An old welder can be found for $0 (free) to $400+, get your the word out your looking. This is an investment, you can sell it for what you pay if you shop smart. (AC/DC units are 2-3x of AC units, but worth the upgrade if you can afford it)First is on your safety.1. Hood: Don't get an auto darkling hood. Cheap ones suck and you can find an old school heavy hoods for near free. Buy new glass and a couple shades like 11, 12 & 13. Yes the old ones are heavy and suck, yet someone people used them for years. ($10-30)2. Gloves: Start of with a thick heavy ones for stick welding, HF sells some. Now slowly move up to Tig gloves and they will teach you if you've your hands too close. ($12 & then $20)3. Welding cover: You want a welding jacket or cover to protect yourself. Old thick jackets can be found at the thrift store that would work. Or search Amazon and look for warehouse deals on welding jackets. ($10-50)4. Other cover: Don't weld in sandals and shorts. If it's too hot to wear cover then don't weld.5. Other people: Make sure you are not flashing people with your welding. You can makes simple blocks with carboard and a basic frame.6. Consumables: Yeah, your welding rod is going to cost money. Make sure to shop around. ($10-$100)6a. You need a few small tools: A welding hammer to hit the slag, a HD file to knock slag and file, and last a heavy duty wire brush. ($5-$40)1. Looking for deals on a welder. Don't rush it, find a deal post it here without the link. Reply to anything close to your budget and ask if they have room to move for someone just learning. (I have sold a used welder at 50% of value to a kid learning to weld, gave him a hood, gloves and small stuff.)2. Look for deals on steel. You'll need material to practice welding. Find your local steel suppler and ask for their drops sections, or if they have a garage bin you could take a few piece from to practice.3. You need a cart for your welder. Look at that, with the deal on steel you can make your own!4. You need a welding cart. Ok, you've learned from building a cart to hold your welder. Now you need a cart to hold what you are welding... This is where your deal on steel could influence the final cost. You don't need much, just sturdy.5. You need to practice more... Ask your Dad for help, ask around to find Neighbors who weld, post your pics for feedback, and watch videos on welding.A lot more learning and improvement will come over time and improvement will be self evident as you advance your skill.FYI, if you are young enough this can be a skill you turn into a career that makes a good living.If no interest, it can be a skill that contributes to life long hobbies.
For more information, please visit dc welding machine.
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