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How to Save Money When Buying 1-chlorooctane
Buy 1-Chlorooctane, 99.00%, 1x100 Milliliter
Buy 1-Chlorooctane, 99.00%, 1x100 Milliliter for Sale Online
1-Chlorooctane, 99.00%, 1x100 Milliliter is available online through a direct partnership between ChemDirect and Beantown Chemical Corporation. Beantown Chemical Corporation currently offers a vast range of chemicals. This particular product is also known by several names, including n-octyl chloride, octyl chloride, capryl chloride, and 1-octyl chloride.
For further information, please visit our website 1-chlorooctane.
This chemical can be purchased in quantities of 1x100 Milliliter or 1x500 Milliliter. 1-Chlorooctane has the molecular formula C8H17Cl and a molecular weight of 148.67 g/mol. The CAS (Chemical Abstracts Service) Registry Number is 111-85-3, and the product grade is Not Specified with a purity of 99.00%.
About the Supplier
Beantown Chemical Corporation is a reputable manufacturer, distributor, and supplier of research chemicals, metals, and materials for various applications.
When you buy 1-Chlorooctane, 99.00%, 1x100 Milliliter online, you not only save time and money, but you also benefit from fast shipping.
1-Chlorooctane ≥99%
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Contact us to discuss your requirements with a 1-chlorooctane supplier. Our experienced sales team is ready to help you identify the options that best suit your needs.
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For more information, please visit 4,4'-oxydiphenol on sale.
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