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How does a tipper truck work?
How does a tipper truck work?
How does a tipper truck work?
Tipper trucks normally carry bulk materials such as sand, gravel, grain, and even potatoes. They are usually loaded from overhead hoppers. At the destination, the back of the truck is tipped to discharge the load. The body of the truck is pivoted at the back. At the front, hydraulic rams extend to raise the front of the body. The rams operate using oil under pressure, pumped by the main engine or by a separate diesel engine.A bulk-carrying tipper truck has an aluminium body that can hold up to 22 tons.
Back Book:
Science and Technology Chapter:
Cars and Trucks
Back Book:
Science and Technology Chapter:
Cars and Trucks
Contact us to discuss your requirements of tipper trucks. Our experienced sales team can help you identify the options that best suit your needs.
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