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Everything You Need To Know To Find The Best Loader attachment manufacturer
Choosing the Right Attachment for Your Loader
There are two primary factors to consider when selecting attachments for a loader. The first is matching the capacity of the loader or tool carrier to the attachment to make sure the grapple or other tool you choose is sized to work properly and safely with your loader. Second, and the more obvious one, is matching the tool you select with the majority of the work you will be doing with it.
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Matching the tool to the loader
It is very important to match the attachment specifically to the loader and to pay close attention to capacity, says Steve Talaga, a director of marketing at Barko Hydraulics, LLC. You do not want to put a huge attachment on a small loader and vice versa. The objective, he says, is to optimize the utility of your machine and attachment as one unit.
One benefit of buying an OEM (original equipment manufacturer) attachment directly from the manufacturer of your tool carrier is that the attachment and carrier are made to work and function well together, and that includes ease of installation. The attachment was designed to work immediately. You do not have to add brackets and adapter kits just to get it to work, he stresses.
If I were looking to buy a grapple, for instance, I would need to understand the type of material and diameter I typically work with. Diameter is a key thing, Talaga says. Also, what type of jaw works best? A log grapple is good for logs and single trees, but for handling tree debris, its a bypass grapple. And most of those now are continuous rotation.
Next, understanding hydraulic flow and pressures of your machine is critical to purchasing the correct attachment in order to get the performance you need on the job, Talaga adds.
Adrian Majka, product specialist for FAE USA, Inc., concurs regarding the proper matching of attachment to machine. Our sales staff is trained to look up specifications and follow guidelines on our mulchers to ensure the machine and attachment are within proper parameters, he says. That includes things such as weight and hydraulic flow, which is broken down into gallons per minute and PSI (pounds per square inch) pressure.
Acknowledging that many FAE products are sold as part of a complete mulcher tool-carrier unit, he says, Mulcher heads are sold most of the time already matched to the machine.
However, With skid-steer attachments, all selections are based on engine horsepower and hydraulics. What we do is match engine flow and pressure, and, since most people have standard skid steers or compact track loaders, we know right off which is a proper fit. So, if customers tell us they have a particular brand, we can match up the machine with an ideal FAE fix.
A corollary to selecting the right attachment is selecting the machine itself. For example, Majka says, for a compact track loader, look for horsepower and hydraulic flow to match your companys needs.
We make two compact tree care grapples (62- and 54-inch openings), a tractor grapple and a winch, all primarily for use by the tree care industry, says Angel Ogletree, vice president and an owner of Bears Insured Tree Service, a 15-year TCIA member company based in Hull, Georgia. Bears is the manufacturer of the Beaver Squeezer continuous-rotation grapples.
For the 62-inch grapple, we recommend that your skid steer have a lift capacity above 1,500 pounds. The Beaver Squeezer attachment weighs 900 pounds, says Ogletree, and that determines how much material the loader can lift, in this case 600 pounds. Its not usually a problem, since most loaders commonly lift 2,000 to 3,000 pounds, and were seeing people with machines with larger capacity than that.
For compact and mini loaders, theres the 54 inch, she says. Even walk-behind mini loaders can lift 1,200 pounds.
Continuing that line of thinking, David A. Nordgaard, president and owner of Branch Manager USA, explains, If I were going to advise someone what to look for with respect to a loader attachment, it would be not to get one that is too heavy for your machine. You dont want too much of the machines lift capacity taken up by the weight of the attachment.
Recognizing a trend toward more powerful and higher-lift-capacity small loaders, Nordgaard says, Now that we are seeing manufacturers come out with monster-mini loaders that can lift twice as much and can weigh more than twice what a traditional compact or mini can, it can be difficult to find a mid-range attachment. He explains that the lighter attachments for the first-generation mini and compact loaders can be too light for the monster mini, and attachments made for traditional skid steers are likely to be too heavy.
Were sometimes kind of stuck, but your dealer can be very helpful, Nord-gaard says. Make sure your dealer knows what to do to match the implement to the machine. Another caveat is, as an owner, know what the lift capacity of your machine is and what the attachment is rated for. As a manufacturer, we now design our attachments more stoutly.
In my opinion, the number-one thing is to make sure your loader has two auxiliary hydraulic circuits, one to run the grapple and one to run the rotator independently of one another, says Gerry Mallory, general manager of Hultdins, Inc. That, he says, is because, what we are seeing is a lot more interest and activity with grapples and rotators for small excavators used in tree care. If a machine has only one standard auxiliary circuit, try to add a second low-flow circuit for the rotator, he advises.
Matching functionality to the work
The second important factor to consider is what jobs the tool will be used for most of the time and making sure to choose the best attachment for that work.
If you have a skid steer and need an attachment for residential work, you might want an attachment better suited for that versus forestry work, suggests FAEs Adrian Majka. So much depends on how the customer plans to use the attachment.
As far as attachments go, in general we try not to push a specific type of style, even though we do manufacture our own grapples, says Barkos Steve Talaga. We would like to see our customers buy attachments that address what they do the majority of the time, to fit what they do and to handle the material they usually handle.
Branch Managers Nordgaard agrees, adding that the trend in attachments is being pushed by users who want implements that save them money and make them more productive by doing more than one thing. Manufacturers, he notes, are responding with a variety of options that can mean its like getting two or three attachments for the price of one.
Acknowledging that attachments of all kinds are out there, Nordgaard maintains that the bypass rotating grapple is probably the most efficient attachment for residential work. Machines are now so strong that they can pull a 20- to 30-foot-long piece and stick it in a chipper. That style is so much better than a bucket grapple.
With a rotating grapple, you can drive up and rotate the grapple to manage the work, not position the machine, Nordgaard says. That means less wear on the machine. And the rotating grapple can be cheaper than a bucket grapple. But a bucket grapple is a good option if you have a lot of room to work in.
Look for the biggest opening, he suggests, reminding us that the newer, higher capacity machines will handle heavier and bulkier loads.
Regarding adapters to install incompatible attachments, Nordgaard advises, You can get adapters, certainly. Some can be expensive and add weight to the machine or to the attachment, which may limit the lift capacity. Id avoid that if you can.
Buyers have a choice of two types of rotating grapples, Gerry Mallory states regarding Hultdins product line. Some people want a free-swinging (dangling) grapple, some want it fixed. Fixed is much more expensive, he warns, but its a matter of preference. Both will do the job.
As an owner of a tree care business, Bears Insureds Angel Ogletree explains, The intention has been to use (loaders and attachments) to reduce the number of employees needed on the job, since it is getting difficult to find qualified labor. How much more efficient attachments like the rotating grapple can be, rather than having to hand-drag and hand-feed chippers or drag to a truck and use skid-steer forks. Weve found the rotating grapple can take the place of two workers on a tree crew.
Additionally, with the rotating grapple, You can approach the tree material from any direction. Thats a key point, she offers, echoing Nordgaard. You can pick up the branches or logs perpendicular or horizontal to the loader, not having to specially align the machine, then rotate your work to load into a dump truck or chipper.
We have found that not only do such attachments free up crew members, they also result in fewer injuries, she reports, because workers are not manhandling material.
Maybe the first question to ask is What are you doing? and then ask if there is an attachment to help you, suggests Kenneth Luker, agent for Woodcracker products in the U.S. for the past four years. Woodcracker makes felling grapples used in harvesting trees and land clearing. In considering what attachment you need, Luker says, count the benefits of your attachment, as he enumerates with his.
First, the operator can drive around to get to the tree and take it down safely. The grapple keeps climbers out of the trees and on the ground where it is safe, he explains.
Second, it aids in processing wood and saves fuel and expense. We also make log splitters, for example, to break up whole logs, he adds. Say you take down a tree thats 3 feet in diameter. You can split it in half, making two 18-inch-diameter logs, which are much easier to chip. You can even use a smaller chipper and save money. As an aside, he says you can put the log-splitter attachment on a chipper truck, which is a common practice in Europe.
The fast, low-maintenance removal by the tree shear is the result of a knife, which requires much less maintenance than a saw. The learning curve is lower with a shear, Luker says, and if you change your mind on a cut, you can easily back out. The knife operates like a guillotine, and its replaceable and can be sharpened. Knife blades are far less expensive and should last five years. They can be sharpened in the field with a portable disc grinder or replaced in 15 minutes.
Attachment efficiency is a key component in making any selection, he says, adding that the Woodcracker cutting head speeds up the clearing process with a four-steps-in-one function that allows the operator to grab the target and cut it, using a second arm to accumulate more trees for cutting, then rotates the load to where you want to discharge it all with two buttons on a joystick. And theyre easily detachable to put on another device, such as our stump shear, he adds.
If someone has a job to remove trees, and that includes roots and stumps, the Woodcracker attachment allows the operator to use the shear on an excavator to remove them, essentially plucking them out of the ground, and then put them in an orderly pile.
Luker shared a quote from one of his customers, Harry Olsen of Hugos Tree in Hugo, Minnesota. My goal is to streamline job sites. That means one man, one job, says Olsen. The ability to use a Woodcracker on an excavator is huge for us. To use a tree shear, then change to a stump shear, then change back to a bucket all on the same machine is a game changer, because we use our excavators for many different kinds of jobs as opposed to using dedicated equipment.
Final considerations
With respect to a return on investment, Angel Ogletree has found that Bears rotating grapples last 10 to 15 years. She says that when her husband, Stan, started manufacturing the devices, she did not completely understand the payback. While they seemed expensive to me at the time, I learned that attachments like these greatly reduce the intensity of manual tree work, she recounts. When Stan started, no one used them. Now they realize their capability.
For more Loader attachment manufacturerinformation, please contact us. We will provide professional answers.
With attachments, most manufacturers agree that the place to start is by knowing your business. That will begin to define what you need.
Choosing the Best Loader for Your Needs
When deciding on the best machine for your operation, you have options! Whether you're in the business of snow removal, landscaping, nurseries, hobby farming, or agriculture co-ops, most customers find that a loader significantly boosts productivity. The quest for the most suitable loader depends on a multitude of factors.
Like anything, you'll want to consider each of these factors to make the most educated decision. We recommend taking into account elements like the primary terrain of your job site, clearance, power and maneuverability needs, budget and maintenance, attachment capabilities, cab visibility, and desired overhead/rollover protection.
If you have a bigger job requiring heavy lifting and loading, you'll want to consider a full-size loader, like the CASE 521G-Gs. They'll provide you with the most power and lift capacity to move and load large quantities of heavy materials like gravel, rock, sand, and dirt. They're also your go-to for those large snow removal jobs like our northern friends clearing out that Mall of America/IKEA parking garage each winter! However, if size, maneuverability, and versatility are some of your key focuses, a smaller loader will be your solution for optimal productivity and value.
To learn how each of the small loaders, including compact wheel loaders, skid steers, compact track loaders, mini track loaders, and small articulated loaders, go head to head in each category, check out our quick graphic guide below or read through our complete analysis!
Terrain Performance
With speeds of up to 25mph, compact wheel loaders lead the field with the highest top-end speed, easily beating the next closest two entrants in the category, skid steers at 10-15mph and compact track loaders at 8-12mph, by a wide margin. With that said, it's important to note that because these loaders are on wheels, they'll perform best on solid surfaces like pavement, concrete, and gravel that aren't at risk for damage and that won't cause wheels to get bogged down from soft earth. Because of the articulation, compact loaders can also make tight turns.
Clearance, Capacity, & Maneuverability
Being a larger machine, wheel loaders require more space. However, they also have a higher lift capacity and breakout force, thus being able to move heavier loads as a result.
Cab Visibility & Safety
A cab that seats the driver higher up like these provides increased visibility and, in our CASE Compact Wheel Loaders, a 360-degree view. The cab is also larger and offers greater operator comfort and ease of access.
Attachment Capabilities
Compact wheel loaders can operate most skid steer attachments with a skid steer coupler, including buckets, rakes, augers, hydraulic hammers, and breakers. Therefore, if the attachment capability is your primary draw to the skid steer, but you have a larger job, the wheel loader might be worth considering.
Budget & Maintenance
Compact wheel loaders will cost more upfront, but cheaper tire replacements (compared to the higher cost of replacing tracks and undercarriage components) and lower operating costs overall can potentially offset that cost, if not save in the long run.
Summary: Favored Applications
If you have larger landscaping jobs, the compact wheel loader is an excellent choice for those earthmoving and lifting tasks you may come across. Similarly, if you're moving pallets, loading trucks, or traversing larger areas, wheel loaders can also be helpful in farm and agriculture-related operations, includinghobby farming. Wheel loaders can also make a solid snow removal machine with snow tires added, providing quick transport speed between jobs, greater productivity with its push/pile capacity, and better visibility for the operator working in parking lots and around buildings and landscaping.
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Terrain Performance
Skid steers perform best on hard surfaces, such as concrete, asphalt, and gravel. They have higher top speeds than compact track loaders and can manage tight turns, as opposed to tracked options, which can suffer more significant wear and tear if driving on hard ground.
Clearance, Capacity, & Maneuverability
The lighter weight of wheels, rather than tracks, makes them best for lighter loads that require less horsepower. However, a benefit of that lightweight is that they're also easier to move and transport, meaning you can do so with relative ease using your pickup or trailer.
Cab Visibility & Safety
All skid steers offer an enclosed cab or ROPs option, which means defense from the elements and rollover protection. ROPs are still standard, though we stock and sell most of our machines with full cab/air/heat. However, the visibility that it provides varies between brands and models. In CASE's skid steers, operators have large front and side windows with a low entry threshold, providing visibility down to the bucket. The hood is also low-sloping, allowing visibility to the rear. All of this is additionally supplemented with a backup camera and cab-wide rearview mirror.
Attachment Capabilities
It's no secret that operators can outfit skid steers with various specialized buckets and attachments. They're typically easy to install, and CASE skid steers also include an optional Enhanced High Flow to power more demanding attachments like cold planers, mulching heads, and stump grinders.
Budget & Maintenance
Overall, skid steers tend to cost less than compact track and wheel loaders both upfront and later on in maintenance and fueling. They typically require less maintenance than CTLs, and tires are cheaper to replace than tracks and undercarriage components when necessary.
Summary: Favored Applications
Favored over CTLs for snow removal, as CTLs tend to slide around more on snow and ice, skid steer loaders are an excellent choice for those winter options. Its versatility, light weight, and maneuverability also make it a great choice for landscaping. The skid steer can also be a reasonable option for small chores around the farm, especially in tighter spaces, like within your barn!
Shop Skid Steer Loaders
Terrain Performance
Tracked loaders, like Compact Track Loaders (CTLs)/Track Skid Steers and Mini Track Loaders (MTLs), boast significant advantages for anyone primarily traveling across dirt or other soft surfaces, including sand, rather than pavement. Their tracks and low ground pressure allow for more effortless movement across uneven terrain or softer ground, as opposed to wheeled options that can get bogged down or disrupt the earth beneath them. Though there's a tradeoff in reduced average speed, track loaders tend to offer operators a smoother driving experience overall!
Clearance, Capacity, & Maneuverability
Regarding size and capacity, CTLs and MTLs can make tight turns when needed but may require more space to do so. The advantage is that more weight also means the ability to accommodate heavier loads.
Due to its size, the compact track loader will naturally have more reach, lift capacity, and stability. However, it is limited in where it can operate as a result. It also has a higher hydraulic flow rate, translating to more power and increased efficiency.
Its mini track loader version is an excellent solution for operations requiring a fit in tighter spaces and frequent attachment swaps.
Cab Visibility & Safety
CTLs feature enclosed cabs or ROPs enclosures providing additional rollover protection. However, this can also mean it has less visibility overall and makes swapping attachments more time-consuming, needing to mount and dismount each time. With that said, CASE CTLs feature cabs that are both roomy and easy to get in and out of. Like the skid steer, large front and side windows, low-sloping rear hoods, and a low entry threshold provide prime visibility in addition to the backup camera and cab-wide rearview mirror.
The MTL by design is going to differ in this aspect. The MTL does its job by putting the driver up high and in the rear. You don't have protection this way, but you do have maximized visibility all around you with no cab encasement to get in your way. With no cab, it's convenient to mount and dismount and provides unlimited visibility as long as you're okay with the tradeoff in protection from elements and fewer attachment options, given their lighter load capacity.
Attachment Capabilities
With both machines, you have attachments aplenty. Operators can equip CASE MTLs with 40+ attachment options. Even better, if you upgrade to a larger machine, most of those attachments can move up with you.
Budget & Maintenance
Overall, CTLs have a higher purchase price than their skid steer cousins and have higher maintenance and fuel costs. Across the board, tracked machines require more maintenance and upkeep and have higher track replacement costs than wheels, but they offer other benefits that wheels cannot.
Summary: Favored Applications
Tracks provide minimal disturbance in soft surfaces, including soil and sand, making them a great choice for landscaping and concrete-pouring applications. CTLs have the horsepower and capacity for higher productivity applications, while MTLs provide the small footprint and maneuverability required for nurseries and smaller landscape projects.
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Terrain Performance
Like their tracked cousins, Small Articulated Loaders
(SALs) can navigate uneven terrain and distribute the ground pressure to reduce damage to the ground beneath. Again, this will be a significant benefit to anyone operating primarily on the soft earth. They also boast higher top speeds than skid steers and CTLs and minimal wear and tear, making them a more productive option for operations involving a lot of travel.
Clearance, Capacity, & Maneuverability
Narrow and light in design, SALs are highly maneuverable through tight passageways and confined spaces and are easy to store and transport.
Cab Visibility & Safety
One reason we love our CASE models is that they feature forward articulation, providing a larger cab size, easier entry/exit, and zero cab swing compared to rear articulation models.
Attachment Capabilities
CASE SAL features more than 70 attachments available across six different models. Many models feature telescoping arms for added reach when loading or hauling, allowing the operator to do some work of a telehandler. Additionally, with high-flow hydraulic performance, SALs can pair with a wide range of attachments.
Budget & Maintenance
Pretty straightforward, SALs are relatively low-cost machines overall!
Summary: Favored Applications
As long as the wheels won't negatively impact your operation via terrain damage, SALs provide excellent visibility, agility, and overall size for small landscaping projects or nurseries. Its telescoping arms can also provide an added benefit for those same operations.
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