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Dropped Forged Scaffolding Swivel Coupler - 25 Pack
Dropped Forged Scaffolding Swivel Coupler - 25 Pack
You can count on scaffold fittings from Leachs.
This Drop Forged Scaffolding Swivel Coupler is mainly used for diagonal bracing, providing the ability scaffold tubes to be connected at any angle needed.
Gongde contains other products and information you need, so please check it out.
Drop Forged Double Coupler
A drop forged steel fixed double coupler used to join two tubes at 90 degrees to each other. Designed to fit 48mm diameter tube.
If you are looking for more details, kindly visit Scaffolding Drop Forged Coupler.
Supplied with a passivate finish but this can vary between silver and gold.
Contact us to discuss your requirements of Scaffolding Sleeve Coupler. Our experienced sales team can help you identify the options that best suit your needs.
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