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Continuous Mist Spray Bottle
Continuous Mist Spray Bottle
TréLuxe - Curly & Wavy Hair Accessory
Welllive are exported all over the world and different industries with quality first. Our belief is to provide our customers with more and better high value-added products. Let's create a better future together.
30-Day Money-Back Guarantee
*NEW TréLuxe Continuous Mist Spray Bottle (10.1 oz)
Save those fingers for styling and detangling! With our Continuous Mist Spray Bottle you get:
Save time on washday! An even mist of water from each spray covers a larger area than traditional spray bottles, making each spray more efficient for styling and refreshing curls
Less pressing! Each press gives you 1.1 seconds of continuous spray that emits from the nozzle
Reduced drying time. Fine mist droplets dry quicker than the larger droplets from traditional spray bottles
Spray with the bottle upside down, or sideways, with no leaks
Less time and mess (water spillage, cleanup) spent on curl refresh days
Airless design of the bottle reduces the chance of contamination
Best Spray Bottles
I have yet to find a spray bottle for alcohol and scenic glue that I like, so I am wondering what others are using.
Further reading:
How Does "T25 Flask Dimensions" Work?
4 Tips to Select Glass Weed Jars in Bulk
If you want to learn more, please visit our website Plastic Spray Bottles Wholesale.
I have a had a few decent ones for alcohol but they stop working after a little while. The most recent one gave up last night at a most inopportune time, I was not impressed. I am using 91% alcohol so I am wondering if that is killing them and if a less concentrated alcohol would work just as well but go easier on the sprayers.
Same thing with scenic cement, even with cleaning after use the sprayers that put out a fine mist clog so easily. The Woodland Scenics sprayers don't seem to clog, but in my opinion they are like throwing gallon buckets of water - too course a spray and a complete lack of control, especially for small areas.
I have tried the hair spray pumps with the same issues listed above.
I have just fought through it but last night I began to wonder if there is a better answer.
I would love reliable sprayers that put out a fine mist.
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