
5 Tips for Buying a Diesel Generator

Author: Joy

Oct. 21, 2024



5 Tips for Buying a Diesel Generator

Generators are the essential heartbeat of construction sites, infrastructure projects and outdoor events throughout Australia.

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Here are five key considerations you should focus on when purchasing diesel generators:

Tip 1: Size really matters

The most important thing to consider when sizing a generator is the high inrush currents associated with starting electric motors and transformers, which are typically six times the full load current.

However, inrush currents for the type of high efficiency motors being specified today can be almost double that amount.

As a result, it has been common practice to take motor and transformer starting kVA requirements as a yardstick to determine the size of a generator.

This approach often results in generators being oversized for the motor running load and not based on the actual needs of the application. Moreover, it disregards other key factors that play a key role in sizing generators. For instance, harmonics caused by variable frequency drives and sequential starting of motors.

When starting motors or transformers, large voltage and frequency dips can also occur if the generator set is not sized properly. Furthermore, other loads connected to the generator output may be more sensitive to voltage and frequency dips than the motor or motor starter, which can cause problems.

Thankfully help is at hand. Many generators can now be equipped with solutions to overcome the extra excitation systems required in the alternator.

Typically, two options are offered: permanent magnet or auxiliary winding. Both provide the generator with three times their nominal current to cover inrush peaks from the electrical motor, for a minimum duration of ten seconds, via a residuary excitation current.

In certain cases even more advanced options are available. For instance, some generators feature a digital automatic voltage regulator (D-AVR) that is specifically designed to handle the high inrush currents associated with starting motors and transformers. In specific applications, this type of voltage controller allows operators to downsize the generator requirement because the transient behaviour of the power is better managed.

Another option could be to use a &#;Close Before Excitation&#; system that closes the breaker just when engine starts to run. This enables the excitation to increase gradually as the speed of the engine does, allowing for very soft start of loads connected to the generator.

This is especially useful for magnetising step up transformers in installations where medium voltage is required.

As a result, it is no longer necessary to buy larger generators than needed just to cope with the initial electrical surge upon starting. What&#;s more, with smart control of the generator&#;s voltage, it is possible to achieve lower fuel consumption, reduced maintenance cost and longer lifetimes.


Tip 2: Modular capability

Even if starting off with just one unit, it&#;s worth asking the equipment manufacturer what steps can be taken to parallel a single generator with others to form a modular power plant set up. For instance, is the generator equipped with this capability as standard? Also, how long would it take to pair two units? With many generators, this process can take under 10 minutes, but not all offer this capability.

Therefore, it is strongly recommended to check before an investment is made, in case this capability is needed in the future.

When coordinated by a network of controllers, plug-and-play generators can power up and down according to the on-site power requirements at any given time. For example, only one or two may be operational during periods of low load, thereby boosting fuel efficiency. Equally, all units may become active in periods of high demand.

There are a number of additional benefits from modular capability. Firstly, equipment reliability is enhanced as the failure of a single unit is mitigated by configuring the remaining units to increase their output to maintain the same power output. Secondly, the cost and length of service intervals is reduced, as it isn&#;t necessary to stop the entire power delivery during essential maintenance operations.


Tip 3: Control systems and power management

The ideal control system should offer a variety of features. For instance, the ability to remotely start and program the machine, display warnings, for instance low fuel and other performance issues, in addition to deliver a broad range of analysis data. This helps to better utilise the efficiency of the power plant while providing a valuable overview of the application process.

Many generators are now equipped with Power Management Systems (PMS). What makes them ideally suited for rental applications is the plug-and-play design that allows for easy and rapid configuration. PMS provides the means to optimise the fuel consumption and performance of generators in parallel with load demand, starting and stopping units with corresponding increase or decrease of load. It also helps avoid engine damage to generators from running with low load levels, thereby increasing their useful work life.


Tip 4: Fuel efficiency and autonomy

Thanks to a number of design innovations and energy efficiency improvements, today&#;s mobile generators now consume much less fuel than was possible five years ago. The fact that the latest equipment can run for longer and more economically has been a big driver behind the market&#;s growth. However, not all generators are the same and fuel can be expensive.

Therefore, it is recommended to ask two or three manufacturers for a forecast on fuel consumption before making an investment.

Furthermore, modularity also contributes to fuel efficiency. For example, taking the demand patterns of a typical industrial application as a guide, the deployment of a 1 MVA generator as a prime power source could mean up to 1.677 litres of fuel being consumed each day. That compares with approximately 1.558 litres of fuel if three 325 kVA generators were doing the same job.

The options for fuelling generators are expanding nowadays and now include bio-gas and natural gas. Although this market is emerging, it is important to discuss these technologies with a manufacturer before investing in a new generator.


Tip 5: Physical size and transportation

It pays to determine whether units can be towed or loaded on a truck and to check for features such as lifting eyes and forklift slots. When using multiple generators, it&#;s also worth considering if units can be stacked on top of each other for minimum footprint and access considerations.

These factors have a bearing on total operation expenditure and efforts to reduce carbon costs.


Contact us to discuss your requirements of Generator set procurement for mining operations. Our experienced sales team can help you identify the options that best suit your needs.


Consider all the foregoing factors that affect the choice of appropriate sizing. If in doubt, apply a simple rule for estimating motor starting: 1 kW of generator set rating per ¾ to 1 hp specified on the motor nameplate.

Always stay on the conservative side and remember that generators are built to work hard and the more accurate the sizing is to the application, the greater results.

It will pay to think modular because bigger is not necessarily better. Modular is not just about large installations, it can make a lot of sense with units around the 150 kVA level as well.

For users, contractors and event companies who have always rented the same size generator, now is the time to seek expert advice about the latest developments that are designed to help to match outputs to applications.

For more information on the diesel generators please contact your local dealer or call  733 782.


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Best Procurement Practices for the Mining Industry

Key takeaways

  1. Enhanced Value and Efficiency:
    Implementing procurement best practices helps mining companies streamline processes such as Purchase Requests, RFQs, Purchase Orders, Receipts, and Invoices, leading to improved efficiency and budget control.
  2. Stronger Supplier Relationships:
    Focusing on effective contract management and maintaining robust supplier relationships ensures that mining companies can meet rising demand, adapt to market changes, and secure competitive pricing.
  3. Improved Cost Management:
    By establishing clear KPIs and utilizing category management, companies can closely monitor performance, manage costs, and achieve substantial cost savings, ensuring a sustainable and profitable operation.
  4. Adaptability and Compliance:
    Procurement best practices help mining companies remain flexible and compliant with evolving environmental regulations and consumer preferences, ensuring they can meet market demands while reducing emissions and environmental impact.

Mining procurement:How do Procurement Best Practices help Mining Companies?

Urbanization, evolving markets, and the advent of unencumbered digitization has led to a massive transformation along supply chains in every known industry. As companies grow, the relevance and importance of departments such as sourcing and procurement become increasingly evident, and CPOs witness the rising need for procurement best practices and other strategies or systems to propel success. Procurement has become among the most crucial tenets of any supply chain or business structure, and as companies enter the new decade, there is more need than ever before for CPOs to ensure an efficient, high-quality, and beneficial performance. During the initial outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, mining companies struggled due to the significant decline in demand for basic commodities, leading to low demand and consequently, low profitability. However, as economies recover, companies are facing a sudden surge in demand, and must ensure their systems, strategies, procurement departments, and supply chains are prepared to meet consumer demand. Another significant factor impacting the mining industry, is the evolution of environmentally conscious businesses and consumers, leading to high demand for metal, but an equally pressing need to reduce emissions and be more environmentally responsible.

Mining procurement: 5 Key Procurement Best Practices in the Mining Industry?

Effective Contract Management:

The procurement process is heavily dependent on supplier relationships, contracts, and the balanced management of both. Developing contracts that support both parties, and ensuring that the company&#;s needs are met is imperative to meet demand, maintain strong business relationships, and produce efficiently.

Companies must also ensure that the drafting of contracts accounts for potential risks, enables timely decision-making, and meets all legal, environmental, ethical, and safety needs. Utilizing data-driven and well-established, standardized systems is a significant contributor to effectively conducting business, developing contracts, and ensuring sustainable success for the company.

Establish Clear KPIs:

Closely tracking the performance of all involved departments and employees, is imperative to the growth of any business, and helps stakeholders and CPOs to determine the ideal decisions to be made. Key performance indicators (KPIs) help companies track suppliers&#; performance and make necessary changes, such as reviewing and amending the contract, or terminating partnerships in favor of more reliable choices.

Additionally, KPIs also help professionals track internal progress of the company, including quality of offerings, lead time, overall efficiency, costs and savings, and other crucial metrics that indicate the success or shortcomings of a business. Establishing precise and clear KPIs helps companies develop a concise, efficient, and cooperative organizational structure.

Use Category Management:

The rising and effective use of category management has transformed procurement best practices, and made companies&#; operations more efficient, sustainable, and organized.

Determining clear categories within the procurement department, and assigning category managers can provide CPOs and stakeholders with more precise, data-driven, and collaborative operations and insights to infer performance from, and improve upon the business.

The category management approach provides managers, and other professionals with clear insights into the performance of particular suppliers, shortcomings within a certain category, need for proper equipment or training, or the need for an additional partner.

Focus on Supplier Relationships:

Continuously improving upon performance, offerings, business relationships, and strategies is the most effective way to gain and maintain sustainable success.

As mining industry players struggle to keep pace with the rapidly changing regulations, sudden surge in demand, and changes in consumer preferences, finding the right supplier and maintaining mutually beneficial relationships has become more important.

CPOs and category managers must implement their contract and performance-based procurement best practices to further create and promote robust partnerships that help both parties achieve their strategic goals, and provide the company with the collaboration and support required to overcome all major industry developments. This practice will include revisiting terms of partnership, maintaining strong communication systems, and providing partners with the space to express their opinions and contribute.

Improve Contract Flexibility:

When companies and suppliers develop contracts in unison, there is often space for contractual flexibility, so that both parties may receive their demands without causing excess expense to either.

For instance, incentivizing certain timelines or projects, placing remediation costs, and encouraging the mitigation of high contingency costs. A strong legal team, clarity regarding the company&#;s goals and objectives, and transparency of the contract is essential to maintain a successful and flexible contract.

It is equally necessary to determine the nature of agreement, enable clear communication between parties to clarify financial matters, and establish relative transparency with regards to certain costs and terms.

Mining procurement: Guide to Optimize Procurement for Mining Companies

Purchase Request or Requisition

When an employee decides they need goods or services, the purchase request process should be simple and easy to use, with adequate controls to ensure compliance with business rules. Some helpful features include accessibility from any device, budget control to prevent exceeding budget limits, multi-level signature management to match approval workflow, and real-time stock check to avoid requesting items already in stock or on order.

Request for Quote

A request for quote (RFQ) is a request to one or more suppliers for pricing, terms, and product availability. Using RFQs can help manage the bidding process and obtain competitive pricing. Useful features may include sending the RFQ to multiple suppliers, sending reminders to suppliers who have not responded, tracking and comparing responses from multiple suppliers, and easily converting an RFQ into a purchase order with the selected supplier and pricing.

Purchase Order

Purchase orders play a vital role in managing a mining company&#;s procurement process. They help prevent duplicate spending, control budgets, track encumbrances, manage inventory, evaluate vendor performance, and serve as a legal contract with suppliers. Additional functionality can transform purchase orders into efficiency tools, including multi-level signature management, budget control, ability to split a line into multiple delivery sites, and real-time checks to link ordered items with open requisitions if appropriate.


Receipt transactions record stock received from a supplier, documenting when, where, and how much product was received. Receipts add items to inventory for use while awaiting the invoice. Incorporating checks and balances into the receipt process can ensure accuracy and streamline downstream processing. Additional capabilities include defining matching tolerances, splitting received items across multiple locations/warehouses, recording quality check information for each item, and preventing damaged goods from entering available stock.


Invoices are the final step in the procurement cycle and can be entered against purchase orders or receipt transactions. Features to promote efficiency and accuracy during the invoicing step include support for multiple statuses, linking invoices to purchase orders and receipt transactions for matching, and multi-currency support for global operations.

Success Story &#; SpendEdge Advantage

The mining industry is highly susceptible to the current state of the economy, fluctuating values of commodities, metals, and energy, and changing regulations. Additionally, the rise of environmentalism has transformed the approach that mining companies can take to their activities, and given rise to more careful and calculated operations, as well as the need for improved equipment. The sudden decline during the pandemic, and subsequent surge in demand due to recovering economies caused major operational and structural challenges for a growing mining company. Due to the unstable nature of the market, the company chose to partner with SpendEdge and leverage our expertise in identifying, evaluating, and implementing procurement best practices. The company sought to keep pace with demand, overcome the major fluctuations within market dynamics, and prepare for the upcoming era of growth. Our experts closely assessed the systems, strategies, and functions taking place in the procurement process, and identified various challenges, including lax contract management, minimal focus on supplier relationships, and non-existent performance metrics. To help the company, the experts provided the supply chain and procurement team with clear guidance and instruction regarding various procurement best practices, and helped them improve operations significantly. With these actionable insights, the company increased production to meet demand, minimized losses and risks, improved supplier relationships, and kept pace with the evolving market.


Adopting procurement best practices is crucial for mining companies to enhance value, boost production volumes, and manage costs effectively. By streamlining processes such as Purchase Requests/Requisitions, Request for Quotes (RFQs), Purchase Orders (POs), Receipts, and Invoices, companies can significantly improve efficiency and budget control. Utilizing process mining software and establishing clear procurement requests can lead to better pricing and competitive pricing through stronger supplier relationships and more accurate tracking of stock received and inventory. These practices enable procurement organizations to achieve substantial cost savings and maintain a robust supply chain that adapts to market demands and evolving industry standards.

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