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10 Things You Should Know About T25 Flask cm2
If you are in the field of cell culture and biotechnology, then you must have heard about the T25 Flask cm2. It is an essential tool for cell culture work and has been widely used for several decades. T25 Flask cm2 is a small flask with a surface area of 25 cm2 that is specially designed to support the growth of adherent cells. In this article, we are going to discuss 10 things that you should know about T25 Flask cm2.
1. T25 Flask cm2 supports the growth of adherent cells.
The T25 Flask cm2 is specifically designed to support the growth of adherent cells. Adherent cells are the cells that require a surface to attach and grow. The T25 Flask cm2 provides an ideal surface for these cells to grow and divide.
2. T25 Flask cm2 is made from high-quality materials.
T25 Flask cm2 is made from high-quality materials that ensure the purity and consistency of your cell culture. The flask is made of clear polystyrene that is non-pyrogenic and non-cytotoxic.
3. T25 Flask cm2 has a capacity of 25 ml.
T25 Flask cm2 has a capacity of 25 ml, which makes it perfect for small-scale cell culture work. The flask is compact and easy to handle.
4. T25 Flask cm2 is sterile.
T25 Flask cm2 is sterile and is packed in a sealed package. The sterile packaging ensures the purity of your cell culture and minimizes the risk of contamination.
5. T25 Flask cm2 is easy to use.
T25 Flask cm2 is very easy to use. All you need to do is add your cell culture medium and cells to the flask and place it in an incubator. The surface of the flask provides an ideal environment for the cells to grow.
6. T25 Flask cm2 is compatible with many cell types.
T25 Flask cm2 is compatible with many cell types, including fibroblasts, epithelial cells, and endothelial cells. The flask supports the growth of adherent cells from various tissue types.
7. T25 Flask cm2 is cost-effective.
T25 Flask cm2 is an affordable option for cell culture work. The flask is available at a reasonable price and is an essential tool for any cell culture laboratory.
8. T25 Flask cm2 is reusable.
T25 Flask cm2 is reusable, and you can use it multiple times. However, it is essential to sterilize the flask properly before each use to prevent contamination.
9. T25 Flask cm2 is versatile.
T25 Flask cm2 is a versatile tool that can be used for several types of cell culture work, including transfection, transduction, and drug screening.
10. T25 Flask cm2 is available from several suppliers.
T25 Flask cm2 is available from several suppliers. However, it is essential to purchase the flask from a reputable supplier to ensure the quality and purity of the product.
Closing remarks:
In conclusion, T25 Flask cm2 is an essential tool for cell culture work. The flask provides an ideal surface for the growth of adherent cells and is compatible with various cell types. It is a cost-effective and versatile tool that is easy to use and reusable. If you have any questions about T25 Flask cm2, feel free to contact us. We are a reliable supplier of T25 Flask cm2 and other cell culture products.
If you are looking for more details, kindly visit t25 flask cm2, what are flasks used for, t175 tissue culture flask.
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