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Articulating & Telescopic Boom Lifts | Cherry Pickers
Articulating & Telescopic Boom Lifts | Cherry Pickers
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Aerial Lift Purchasing Guide
Table of Contents
- Types
- Specifications
- Accessories & Attachments
- Questions to Ask a Dealer
Aerial lifts are a versatile and valuable piece of material handling equipment. Different from a standard forklift, these lifts can access those hard-to-reach places. Different lifts with varying boom types can reach high shelves or working areas, go up and over obstacles and enable material and cargo movement on many different surfaces. Some lifts come with stabilizing legs for added security and safety for your employees.
Are you interested in learning more about Self Propelled Aerial Lift? Contact us today to secure an expert consultation!
Further reading:4 Tips to Determine the Cost of a 410 kg Self-propelled Scissor Lift
410 kg Self-Propelled Scissor Lifts: Best Prices Compared!
Aerial lifts are found in diverse industries. Manufacturing environments use them to store resources and materials, as well as reach behind and around large, stagnant pieces of equipment. Warehousing industries use the lifts to store products on high shelves. Construction and utility companies find aerial lifts to be among the most useful and critical pieces of equipment in their fleet. Emergency rescue crews also use bucket lifts and stabilizers in their work.
When looking at purchasing an aerial lift, there are four critical factors that you must know the answer to before starting your search:
- What is your working height?
- What is your weight capacity?
- What is your horizontal reach?
- Are you working indoors or outdoors?
The answers to those questions will help you determine the type of aerial lift you need.
The price of an aerial lift will vary on the type of the lift, how far it needs to reach, the weight it will elevate, and the type of engine used to power its activity. They range from $5,000 to $80,000, depending on the type of lift you are looking to acquire. Properly maintained, an aerial lift will operate for several years with no issues.
Purchasing a used aerial lift can be a viable option, as used aerial lifts offer all of the same options and benefits as new equipment. Just be sure to ask for maintenance records and check hours of operation. Compare number of hours against the age of the machine to see how much it has been used in its lifetime.
Once you have determined the type of aerial lift you need, condition (new or used), and how much you are willing to spend, you're ready to begin the purchasing process. If you need a lender, choose a financial institution with experience in heavy equipment lending. Their industry knowledge may provide some insights as you make specific decisions in your lift choice.
A good dealer will walk you through the process of selecting options that fit within your budget and help you set up a payment plan if needed. They will need information from you about your company, but once you have an approved amount to spend, you can begin the hunt and narrow down the search for the perfect aerial lift to meet your organization&#;s needs.
This purchasing guide will give you more information about the types of aerial lifts, different specifications to consider, what attachments or accessories are available, and questions to ask dealers during your search.
If you want to learn more, please visit our website Diesel engines Self Propelled Aerial Lift.
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